make the Github page theme simple
When I publish notes with Github pages, I have many theme options with Jekyll templates provided by Github, and also github projects.
I intended to be simple. it makes no sense to decorate the pages with many buttons and pictures. The most important are the content files in _posts folder, which i need to provide.
I selects two simple themes:
one is minima theme, this is for my daily note. it is quite old, but it is flexible enough. I adapt this a little and make my ownput the script codes functions with custom-head.html, such as katex, or mermaid. it is also easy for me to CTRL + C the jekyll liquid codes and make my own layout and pages.
another is the minimal theme. i use this theme for single page project and my github profile. which support dark and auto colors.
focus on content, and stay with a format.
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