I am making this note in english, because the diagram i have plotted for a presentation was already in this language.

flowchart LR; FN(("fleet note")) LN(("literature note")) PN(("permanent note")) PJN(("project note")) RN(("reference note")) ND[("Note DB")] LD[("Literature DB")] PN--->ND LN--->LD FN--->Recycle PJN--->Recycle FN---ReWriting-->PN PJN--Manage-->FN & PN PJN--Manage---->LN RN-.-> PN & LN style LN fill: red style PN fill: red style FN fill: #0b0 style Recycle fill: yellow

As show in above figure, Zettelkasten note taking system looks quite complicated to me. Honestly, i do not fully understand how Luhmann managed his 90,000 cards with the above concepts . I am reading a book on that for inspiration, but it really takes time.

Luhmann’s philosophy is simple: making notes with your own words even with literate note, but not copy & paste.

I am now making my technical notes with philosophy.

My system is quite simple:

  1. daily note: it collects my fleet ideas, and tips on different technical topics during my work

  2. topic note: this address a topic which i have fully understood. it may be based on several daily notes

  3. making limited number of tags in the notes to associate them.

    • delete daily notes if its content
    • keep the topic note as permanent note

My tool is mainly markdown extension MPE-Markdown Preview Enhanced in vscode. I also follow the note taking recipes from FOAM/Github.

Below lists the major extensions i am using with vscode.

Have a good note!

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